
September 19, 2015

September 15, 2015

September 13, 2015

September 11, 2015

September 06, 2015

September 02, 2015

The company went bankrupt not because a lot of debt, but because his bosses are using the company's money to enrich themselves

Perusahaan bangkrut bukan karena banyak hutang, tetapi karena boss nya banyak menggunakan uang perusahaan untuk memperkaya diri

The company went bankrupt not because a lot of debt, but because his bosses are using the company's money to enrich themselves

August 31, 2015

I never blasphemy

 I never blasphemy, but I always give a scathing critique for better change because sometimes need a scathing critique for a better changing attitude. -

Saya tidak pernah menghujat, tapi aku selalu memberikan kritik pedas untuk perubahan yang lebih baik karena kadang-kadang membutuhkan kritik pedas untuk sebuah perubahan sikap ke yang lebih baik

Learning From Somebody Mistake is Good to avoid us to Make same Mistake

My manager berated his staff:
“I know every mistake is going to happen, then you have to work according to my ordinances”.

Then, I said to the manager:

I know my mistakes because learning from your mistakes. I do not want to do wrong again, so please you find another job.” 

August 23, 2015

New Today's Quote. Check it out


Orantem et efficax non faciens in vobis glorificetur Ecclesia.

Prayerful and active in church is not making you have to be glorified.

Prière assidue et active dans l’église ne fait pas que vous avez à être glorifié.

Gebet und aktiver in der Kirche nicht machen, müssen Sie verherrlicht werden.

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August 22, 2015

New Style.. New Quote

New Style !! Check it OUT and Comments.

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